from flask import current_app import requests from sqlite3 import Error def read_users_points(db, user_id): try: cursor = db.execute( "SELECT points FROM points WHERE id = ?", (user_id,) ) return cursor.fetchone()[0] except Error as e: print("Error occured reading points:", e.args[0]) print("To user:", user_id) def give_points_to_user(db, user_id, points): try: db.execute( "UPDATE points SET points = points + ? WHERE id = ?", (points, user_id,) ) db.commit() except Error as e: print("Error occured giving DEBUG points:", e.args[0]) print("To user:", user_id, " amount of points:", points) def use_points(db, user_id, points): try: db.execute( "UPDATE points SET points = points - ? WHERE id = ?", (points, user_id,) ) db.commit() except Error as e: print("Error occured using points:", e.args[0]) print("From user:", user_id, " amount of points:", points) def give_points_to_chat(db): points_given = 10 url = current_app.config['OWNCAST_INSTANCE_URL'] + '/api/integrations/clients' headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + current_app.config['OWNCAST_ACCESS_TOKEN']} r =, headers=headers) for user_object in r.json(): give_points_to_user(db, user_object["user"]["id"], points_given) def user_exists(db, user_id): try: cursor = db.execute( "SELECT points FROM points WHERE id = ?", (user_id,) ) if cursor.fetchone() == None: return False return True except Error as e: print("Error occured checking if user exists:", e.args[0]) print("To user:", user_id) """ Adds a new user to the database. Does nothing if user is already in.""" def add_user_to_database(db, user_id): try: cursor = db.execute( "SELECT points FROM points WHERE id = ?", (user_id,) ) if cursor.fetchone() == None: cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO points(id, points) VALUES(?, 10)", (user_id,) ) db.commit() except Error as e: print("Error occured adding user to db:", e.args[0]) print("To user:", user_id) def send_chat(message): url = current_app.config['OWNCAST_INSTANCE_URL'] + '/api/integrations/chat/send' headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + current_app.config['OWNCAST_ACCESS_TOKEN']} r =, headers=headers, json={"body": message}) return r.json()