import sqlite3 import click from flask import current_app, g from flask.cli import with_appcontext def get_db(): if 'db' not in g: g.db = sqlite3.connect( current_app.config['DATABASE'], detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES ) g.db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row return g.db def close_db(e=None): db = g.pop('db', None) if db is not None: db.close() def insert_counters(db): for redeem, redeem_info in current_app.config['REDEEMS'].items(): if redeem_info["type"] == "counter": try: db.execute( "INSERT INTO counters(name, count) VALUES(?, 0)", (redeem,) ) db.commit() except Error as e: print("Failed inserting counters to db:", e.args[0]) def init_db(): db = get_db() with current_app.open_resource('schema.sql') as f: db.executescript('utf8')) insert_counters(db) def clear_redeem_queue(): db = get_db() try: cursor = db.execute( "DELETE FROM redeem_queue" ) cursor.execute( """UPDATE counters SET count = 0""" ) db.commit() except Error as e: print("Error occured deleting redeem queue:", e.args[0]) def refresh_counters(): db = get_db() try: db.execute("DELETE FROM counters") db.commit() except Error as e: print("Error occured deleting old counters:", e.args[0]) for redeem, redeem_info in current_app.config['REDEEMS'].items(): if redeem_info["type"] == "counter": try: cursor = db.execute( "INSERT INTO counters(name, count) VALUES(?, 0)", (redeem,) ) db.commit() except Error as e: print("Failed inserting counters to db:", e.args[0]) def refresh_milestones(): db = get_db() # delete old milestones try: cursor = db.execute("SELECT name FROM milestones") counters = cursor.fetchall() to_delete = [] for counter in counters: print(f"checking counter {counter}") if counter not in current_app.config['REDEEMS'].items(): to_delete.append(counter) elif current_app.config['REDEEMS'][counter]['type'] != "milestone": to_delete.append(counter) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM counters WHERE name IN ?", (to_delete,)) db.commit() except Error as e: print("Failed deleting old milestones from db:", e.args[0]) # add new milestones try: for redeem, redeem_info in current_app.config['REDEEMS'].items(): if redeem_info["type"] == "milestone": cursor = db.execute( "INSERT INTO milestones(name, progress, goal) VALUES(?, 0, 0)", (redeem, 0, redeem_info['goal']) ) db.commit() except Error as e: print("Failed inserting milestones to db:", e.args[0]) @click.command('init-db') @with_appcontext def init_db_command(): """Clear the existing data and create new tables.""" init_db() click.echo('Initialized the database.') @click.command('clear-queue') @with_appcontext def clear_queue_command(): """Remove all redeems from the redeem queue.""" clear_redeem_queue() click.echo('Cleared redeem queue.') @click.command('refresh-counters') @with_appcontext def refresh_counters_command(): """Refresh counters from current config file. (Remove old ones, add new ones.)""" refresh_counters() click.echo('Counters refreshed.') @click.command('clear-refresh') @with_appcontext def refresh_and_clear_command(): """Refresh counters and clear queue.""" refresh_counters() clear_redeem_queue() click.echo('Counters refreshed and queue cleared.') @click.command('refresh-milestones') @with_appcontext def refresh_milestones_command(): """Initialize all milestones from the redeems file, delete milestones not in redeem file.""" refresh_milestones() click.echo('Refreshed milestones.') def init_app(app): app.teardown_appcontext(close_db) app.cli.add_command(init_db_command)