from flask import Flask,request,json,g,Blueprint,current_app from sqlite3 import Error from tlapbot.db import get_db import requests bp = Blueprint('owncastWebhooks', __name__) def userExists(user_id, db): try: cursor = db.execute( "SELECT points FROM points WHERE id = ?", (user_id,) ) if cursor.fetchone() == None: return False return True except Error as e: print("Error occured checking if user exists:", e.args[0]) print("To user:", user_id) # only adds user if they aren't already in. def addUserToDatabase(user_id, db): try: cursor = db.execute( "SELECT points FROM points WHERE id = ?", (user_id,) ) if cursor.fetchone() == None: cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO points(id, points) VALUES(?, 10)", (user_id,) ) db.commit() except Error as e: print("Error occured adding user to db:", e.args[0]) print("To user:", user_id) def sendChat(message): # TODO: url to constant? url = 'http://localhost:8080/api/integrations/chat/send' headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + current_app.config['OWNCAST_ACCESS_TOKEN']} r =, headers=headers, json={"body": message}) return r.json() @bp.route('/owncastWebhook',methods=['POST']) def owncastWebhook(): data = request.json db = get_db() if data["type"] == "USER_JOINED": user_id = data["eventData"]["user"]["id"] addUserToDatabase(user_id, db) elif data["type"] == "CHAT": display_name = data["eventData"]["user"]["displayName"] print("New chat message:") print(f'from {display_name}:') print(f'{data["eventData"]["body"]}') user_id = data["eventData"]["user"]["id"] if "!points" in data["eventData"]["body"]: if not userExists(user_id, db): addUserToDatabase(user_id, db) try: cursor = db.execute( "SELECT points FROM points WHERE id = ?", (user_id,) ) message = "{}'s points: {}".format(display_name, cursor.fetchone()[0]) print(message) sendChat(message) except Error as e: print("Error occured reading points:", e.args[0]) print("To user:", user_id) else: # DEBUG: give points for message try: db.execute( "UPDATE points SET points = points + 10 WHERE id = ?", (user_id,) ) db.commit() except Error as e: print("Error occured giving DEBUG points:", e.args[0]) print("To user:", user_id) return data