• v1.1.0 0d56521602

    Tlapbot 1.1.0 Stable

    lili released this 2023-01-18 17:08:56 +01:00 | 86 commits to master since this release

    Update focused on adding quality of life features and fixing various bugs and shortcomings.

    New features:

    • Redeem categories
    • Customizable prefix for Tlapbot commands
    • Dashboard now automatically refreshes after 30 seconds of being open. Thanks to @Michcioperz for tips on this!


    • Custom emotes in redeem notes now display as shortcodes instead of raw html
    • Failed redeems now no longer take away user's points
    • Better Owncast chat messages when redeems fail
    • New warning for when a counter that doesn't exist in the db is redeemed
    • New CLI command for both refreshing counters and clearing the queue
    • Simplified some files, removed redundant conversions, removed redundant imports


    • Errors during db operations no longer throw an exception while resolving an exception
    • Selected tab of Tlapbot dashboard is now properly highlighted

    About redeem categories

    You can now put each redeem in a category, and turn categories on and off in the config file.

    • This should make it easier to change redeems between different streams, without having to edit redeems.py every time.
    • Each redeem in redeems.py can have a "category" entry now, which is a list of strings that mark all the categories the redeem is in.
    • config.py can now have ACTIVE_CATEGORIES entry, which is a list of categories that are currently active.
    • Redeems with no category are always active -- so any old redeems.py and config.py files should work without issue.

    Example redeems.py from my Tlapbot instance:

        "drink": {"price": 60, "type": "counter", "info": "Give a pitíčko drinkbox to Tlapka."},
        # Slime Rancher
        "free_slime": {"price": 1000, "type": "note", "info": "I will release a slime of your choice back into its natural habitat.", "category": ["slime"]},
        "race": {"price": 500, "type": "list", "info": "I will go do a race with the quicksilver slimes.", "category": ["slime"]},
        # Arknights
        "hire_operator": {"price": 500, "type": "note", "info": "Select an operator to hire next.", "category": ["arknights"]},
        "change_lobby": {"price": 200, "type": "note", "info": "Change the lobby assistant to selected operator.", "category": ["arknights"]}

    By adding "slime" or "arknights" to ACTIVE_CATEGORIES in config.py, I can easily switch which set of redeems is active. You can check the updated README for more info.

    How to update

    If you followed the installation instructions from the README, just git pull. Optionally, also rerun pip install -e ., so that pip reports the new version number correctly.

    ⚠️NOTE: The .whl file is included with the release for completeness sake, you don't need to download it. Recommended install instructions are written in the README.
